

“ハウンドドッグ(Hound Dog)”、“ハートブレイクホテル(Heartbreak Hotel)”のような初期のエネルギッシュな時代から、インスピレーションに満ちた “マイウェイ(My Way)”、“偉大なるかな神(How Great Thou Art)”のような 70年代のバラッドまで、Elvisエンターティナーの中で最も力強い声の持ち主の1人として歌い上げます。

Stevieのショーには彼がもつコーラスデュオ、“The Little Sisters”も登場し盛り上げていきます。


American Elvis Tribute Artist, Stevie thrills his audience with a powerful act of movements and an incredible vocal range. From energetic early-years Elvis hits like Hound Dog, Heartbreak Hotel, to full inspiration ballads such as My Way and How Great Thou Art from the 70s, he sings them all with one of the most robust voices of all Elvis entertainers.

Stevie’s shows also include his trusted chorus duo, The Little Sisters.

Stevie has appeared on stage in Memphis, Tennessee, (Elvis’ hometown), and continues to do several shows in Tokyo. He also is featured in soundtracks for television commercials and other endorsements.

Represented by SUN FACE

Stevie’s personal message:


多くのエルヴィストリビュートアーティストの同じく私はエルヴィスの音楽で多くのファンを楽しませる事を誇りに思っています。しかし自分たちに「この世界には一人のキングしかいない」と言う事を思い出させなければいけません。1953年のSun recording Sessionの始まりから1977年の最後の完売舞台までエルヴィスは世界に刺激をあたえ続けました。それ以来、これまで、人の精神と心に強い影響を与えた他のジャンルやアーティストはいないと言えるでしょう。

Greetings. Ever since I was a boy of 5, I would sit in front of our home record player and listen to the only record I owned, the 1958 Elvis’s Golden Records. I would play it (I still have it by the way) over and over again, driving my whole family nuts.
As I got a little older, I would fold up my shirt collar, tie on ablanket around my neck like a cape and sing to my sisters and their neighborhood friends who would visit. I even practiced the Elvis snarl until I got it right.
His movies would mesmerize me. Everything about him — the way he moved, smiled and the suave manner in which he would sing to the girls — would form such a profound impression on me that I dumped my entire comic book collection and GI Joes and fashioned Elvis as my lifetime hero.
It’s been an eternity ago, but I don’t think there’s been a day in my life that I haven’t either listened or sang one of his songs.
Over the years, I’ve enjoyed the performances of many Elvis Tribute Artists, nearly all of whom share a common bond in our respect for the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll and his spiritual connection with fans all over the world.
Like many ETAs, I am eternally grateful to be given the opportunity to entertain people of all ages with his music. But we must constantly remind ourselves that there is only one King. Elvis was an enigma who shook the world from the first momentous Sun Recording Session in 1953 to his last sold-out performance in 1977. No other artist of any genre since has touched so many hearts and souls.
Every song and performance I give, I do to celebrate the memory of his charismatic music and performances, legendary generosity, and unquestionable spirituality.



Stevie’s personal passion, creativity and zest for life transpire in each of his performances. Excellent Elvis entertainment right here in Tokyo.
Daniel Monteverde, event producer, イベントプロデューサー


It’s easy to hear the passion of Elvis shining through in Stevie’s voice. His vocal performance truly brings to life the feel and vibe of the golden era of the king – it’s a joy to the ears and the soul.
Kurt Jessen, music producer,音楽プロデューサー


Stevie’s voice truly captures the style, emotion, and spirit of Elvis Presley, evoking the greatest years of rock and roll. The king is back.
Nicolas Alvarez, composer、作曲家


During one of my latest trips to Graceland I visited the Elvis tribute concert and was more than happily surprised with one performer in specific, Steve McCarthy. Was it the costume, the sound or the flair? I think it was the combination of all of this, embedded within a tremendous drive and enthusiasm that got my attention. And for that one moment, we have experienced the revival of a king. I hope to meet again somewhere around the globe. Maybe I drop by in Tokyo and visit one of his shows. What a performer!

Michael Gude

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